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Olive fruit is commonly called the Duku fruit (Indonesia) must have been familiar with this seasonal fruit . Sometimes sour fruit that tastes sweet sometimes no , it has many properties that are good for the human body . Fruit that grows once a year , is a fruit native to Indonesia which are not only of the fruit can be used , but from the tree of wood that can be used as furniture material because it has a strong and good quality .
In addition it can be processed as jam and custard , fruit duku contains many nutrients needed by the body , such as calories and minerals higher than with sweet apples and oranges , as well as having some properties that are good for the health of the body , such as :
  1. Duku fruit believed to facilitate the digestive process , because it has a high fiber content , and can prevent cancer and rid the body of free radicals cause cancer illness .
  2. Duku Fruit efficacious for treating diarrhea and treating heat illness , especially on Duku fruit seeds .
  3. Duku Fruit efficacious for strengthening teeth , because Duku fruit contains phosphorus which is useful for strengthening teeth .
  4. Duku fruit believed to repel mosquitoes , especially on the skin of the fruit is dried duku first and then burned when used .
  5. Duku Fruit efficacious for the treatment of venomous insect bites , especially on the white powder that is usually attached to the bark , which is then applied to the powder on the affected insect bites .
Now we already know some of the properties of the Duku fruit , should we eat well when the fruit was fruit when in season . That review of beberapaKhasiat Fruit Duku , may be useful for you all .

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