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The most common disease associated with stress are heart disease, diabetes,headache and peptic ulcer. Other diseases resulting from stress are ulcerative colitis, chronicdyspepsia, asthma, psoriasis and sexual disorders.Reactions to stress are manifold.

The body and the mind react to any stress factor.
The brain and nervous system become intensely active,the pupils of the eye dilate, digestion slows down,muscles become tense, the heart starts pumping blood harder and faster, blood pressure increases , breathing become faster,hormones such as adrenalie are released into the system along with glucose from the liver andsweating starts.

Stress in its earlier and reversible stage leads to poor sleep, bad temper, continual grumbling, longer hours of work with less achievement, domestic conflict with spouse and children,repeated minor sickness, absenteeism and prolonged absence for each spell of sickness,accident proneness, feeling of frustration and persecution by colleagues and complaints of lack of cooperation and increase in alcoholic intake.

If, however, stress is continuous or repeated frequently, a variety of symptoms appear such as dizziness, stiff muscles, headache, visionproblems, breathing difficulties, asthma, allergies, palpitation, digestive disorders, blood sugar rregularities, backache, skin disorders, bowel disorders and sexual difficulties.

Stress may be caused by a variety of factors both outside the body and within. External factorsinclude loud noises, blinding lights, extreme heat or cold, x-rays and other forms of radiation,drugs, chemicals, bacterial and various toxic substances, pain and inadequate nutrition. Thefactors from within the body include feelings of hate, envy, fear or jealousy.

In dealing with stress, the patient should completely change his life style. It has been found that a diet which contains liberal quantities of (i) seeds, nuts and grains, (ii)vegetables, and (iii) fruits would provide an adequate amount of allthe essential nutrients. Each of these food groups should roughly form the bulk of one of the three meals. These three basic health -building foods should be supplemented with certain special foods such as milk,vegetable oils and honey.

Seeds such as alfalfa,sunflower, and pumpkin and sprouts are rich in calcium and quite effective as deterrents oflistlessness and anxiety. Steam cooked vegetables are best as boiling causes many vitaminsand minerals to be dispelled into the water.The leaves of holy basil, known as tulsi in the vernacular, are highly beneficially the treatment ofstress. They are regarded as adaptogen or antistress agents. Recent studies have shown that the leaves protect against stress significantly. It has been suggested that even healthy persons should chew 12 leaves of basil twice a day, morning and evening for preventing stress.

Certain nutrients are beneficial in relieving stress. These are vitamins A and B, minerals such ascalcium, potassium and magnesium which reduce the feeling of irritability and anxiety. Vitamin A is found in green and yellow vegetables. Some of the valuable sources of vitamin B are cashews, green leafy vegetables, yeast, sprouts and bananas. An element of vitamin B complex,pantothenic acid is especially important in preventing stress. It has a deep effect on the adrenalglands and the immune system and adequate amount of this vitamin along with vitamin A canhelp prevent many of the changes caused by stress.Potassium deficiencies are associated with breathlessness, fatigue, insomnia and low bloodsugar. Potassium is essential for healthy heart muscles. Nuts and unrefined grains are goodsources of potassium.

There are certain foods which are associated with stress and anxiety and should be scrupulously avoided by patients. These foods are caffeine and many soft drinks, which causes nervousness,irritability and palpitation ; salt which has been associated with heart diseases; cigarettes whichcause tension, irritability and sleeplessness and which have been linked with cancer, and alcohol which depletes vitamins of B group consider essential for reducing stress.

Regular physical exercise plays an important role in the fight against stress. Exercise not onlykeeps the body physically and mentally fit, it also provides recreation and mental relaxation. It is nature’s best tranquiliser. One can jog, run, walk or play games, depending upon one’s liking.Walking is the simplest and safest exercise. One should take a brisk walk for 45 minutes or sodaily. Yogic asanas, kriyas and simple pranayams , beneficial for maintenance of general healthand mental relaxation, can serve as the best shock-absorbers against stress. These includeasanas like pavanmuktasana, sarvagasana, halasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, bhujangasana,dhanurasana, yogamudra ,padmasana, trikonasana, kriyas like kunjal and jalnetiandpranayamas such as kapal bhati, anuloma- viloam, sitali , sitkari and bhramari.

Recreation and rest are equally important and patient should set a definite time for recreationalactivities. They should also take a holiday at regular intervals. And above all, they shouldsimplify their lifestyles to eliminate unnecessary stress.

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