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Bahan: 300 gram tepung terigu 175 gram gula pasir 100 ml air 1 butir telur 1/2 sdt baking powder 1/4 sdt soda kue


Yogurt is a very healthy food. It’s packed with protein and vitamin D as well as probiotics, the healthy bacteria that your digestive system needs to function. One cup of yogurt contains 400 milligrams of calcium, more than milk, and will provide more potassium than a banana. Yogurt is healthy - however the small pots of yogurt that you purchase at the store contain much more than potassium, protein and probiotics.


Consume less and buy local . The more we buy the more energy and resources we expend. Live simply and put less energy-guzzling objects in circulation. If you do need to buy something, try and make it local, sustainable, and renewable. Ride your bike . If you’re journeying less than a mile, save yourself some gas money while getting exercise and preventing more fumes from being spewed into the atmosphere. More people than ever are switching to bicycles for transportation. Join the critical mass.

Es Kacang Merah

Bahan: - 200 gram kacang merah kering - 1 liter air - 1/2 sendok teh garam - 4 sendok makan gula pasir - 1/2 sendok teh vanili bubuk - 2 sendok makan gula merah, sisir - 1 sendok makan coklat bubuk, cairkan dengan 100 ml air sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam rebusan kacang